Gambling Commission is to Review Point of Consumption Licensing

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The Gambling Commission is reviewing the point of Consumption Licensing to check its effectiveness. Speaking to an All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Betting and Gaming at Westminster on Wednesday, regulator’s CEO, Sarah Harrison, has revealed that the Commission is currently looking at the general framework again to see how it is functions and if any improvements can be made. Ms. Harrison, who took the position of top role at the Commission last year, has described the review as timely. She said that now is the right moment for reflecting on the PoC regime and to consider how well it’s working. The online gambling sector is presently subject to a number of enquiries and investigations that includes the government’s triennial review into the stakes and prizes and they are also incorporating a review of advertisements on TV a well as the CMA enquiry into terms and conditions surrounding bonuses and free bets. Ms. Harrison says the results of the CMA enquiry could confirm the Commission’s own review. She continued that any output from this process will be drawn into their overall review. She has also emphasised that her message to the gambling sector is to keep focused on the consumer’s needs and that they would encourage the industry to not be afraid of experimenting. She continued that innovation by its nature is all about succeeding and on the flip side about about failing. She sais that they want to see the operators thinking creatively about different methods of engaging with their customers and also thinking differently about appropriate interventions.