The Cleanup is Ongoing at the Old Davenport Casino Area

American Casino
When it comes to the hum of the city, the Rhythm City Casino is now clear of any and all involvement with the riverfront site that they once sat on. When it comes to the Davenport City Council, they're ready to wipe the slate clean and demolish any part of the area that currently stands there.

They are hoping to make new improvements before the winter months roll around. They are hoping to not only demolish those old and run down areas but also remove the driveways and parking lots and add new sod and seeding. The whole project is going to run over $200,000 in total.

The Cleanup is Expected to Continue

According to the Deputy Public Works Director, now that the casino has flown the nest, it is time to put their cleanup efforts to good use. The overall new goal of the site is to create an area for the entire city. They are hoping for amenities and a park for the locals to enjoy, instead of the old casino that once stood.

It lasted months when it came to the casino holding onto the building and the land and trying to get itself back together. However, in early September, they let go of their hold and decided to actually part ways with it. This opened up new opportunities for everyone there.

The city is in the process of deciding the best and most affordable way to process the land that was once used for the casino. The main element for what comes next is going to be the design and layout that comes with the land. They have to use the space for multiple purposes and want to make sure they can hold festivals, events and other outings for those that live in the area.

The design for the lot is currently underway with a top designer on the project. Once done, it can be adjusted in any way to make way for anything else that may need to be done in order to add every aspect that they want to the land. They want to add fencing to the areas where the former casino may have caused some gaps. However, they had already checked around the perimeter to find out if there were areas that were unstable. They're currently waiting for new permits and more information regarding the design and what should take effect.

The city is looking to begin the improvements to the area once the bid is awarded to the right contractors for the job. Additionally, they're hoping to have them completely done by the end of this year.