Alien Invasion Slots

Alien Invasion Slots
Alien Invasion is a fun, science fiction themed traditional slot game from Vegas Technology. As we have come to expect from Wager Gaming Technology games, it is great looking, supremely reliable and easy to play. This is a traditional three-reel, single payline game, with a couple of interesting twists and a generous jackpot.

Alien Encounters

When the player logs onto Alien Invasion he or she will be greeted by images from a dime-novel space adventure. The art is set on a stark moonscape with a ringed Saturn-like planet in the background. This moon, however, is host to an eerie, salivating worm-like creature and a blaster-slinging space man in an atmospheric suit. The top center of the play screen is dominated by the pay table – one of the niceties about this particular game is that when winning combinations hit on the reels, the combo that has been hit is highlighted on the pay table. To the left of the pay table is the Alien Invasion logo, and, again, when winning combos are hit, it flashes to announce the win.

Like the bulk of the traditional style games that we have encountered, Alien Invasion does not have any unique soundtrack. The casino “white noise” is constant, and when the game is in action, machine clanks, whirrs and bells sound, but there is nothing unusual here. That is too bad with this one, as it offers opportunity for all kinds of creative sounds.

Symbols of the Cosmos

In keeping with the game’s alien science fiction theme, the symbols used are directly out of dime novel illustration. The low end symbols are various Aliens and an alien looking Spacecraft. On the higher end, the symbols are a Ringed Planet, a Galaxy, a Space Ship and a Blaster.

The most desirable symbol to hit is the Blaster because it serves as a wildcard and 2x multiplier when it pops up in any winning combination. And, on those rare occasions when three blasters come up on the payline, the player is rewarded with the jackpot!

Space Treasures

The coin value on Alien Invasion may be set by the player to values ranging from 10¢ to $10. The game allows up to three coins to be played per spin, making the biggest bet $30, and the lowest three coin bet, 30¢. Alien Invasion is, for that reason, best suited to players who are looking for anything from a low level of risk to a moderate bet.

The rewards, however, are handsome! The big jackpot on this one, when three blasters show up on the payline, amounts to 2000 coins. If playing dimes, that works out to $200, and if playing $10 coins, it amounts to $20,000! That is sufficient to keep any player interested.

Get Lost in Space Tonight!

This is a fun and imaginative traditional slot game with regular, moderate returns. They are high enough, however, to keep your quarters in play for a good long time. So get settled into your favorite play station and play Alien Invasion for cash tonight!