Casino Currency a Gamblers Guide

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Online and land-based casinos make use of a standardized form of currency that is not utilized anywhere else in the world. The live casinos make use of use chips and gambling sites utilize various digital symbols. Using this method of a universal currency, has a significant impact on gamblers on gambling sites and also serves as a crucial element to the success of casinos'.

Although the ‘physical’ currency used by the live casinos and the online gambling sites may differ from each another, they share a unique from any other entity. In other words, winnings from one gambling site don’t carry over to another site. It will be noted that even live casinos in Las Vegas will generally utilize specific chips that are individualized to each particular casino. This is no surprise, as it is crucial for both the live casinos and the online gambling sites to have established a unique form of currency that can not be associated with anything outside their walls. This in fact raises a critical question; why these alternate forms of currency are used in place of real money?

Th standardized currency provides casinos with a convenient universal system, however, this is not the primary reason behind using them:

Firstly the examination of live casinos. Each casino makes use of some variation of chips that players can exchanged for money, but the players do not use real money directly. The reasoning behind this that the human mind a powerful ‘instrument’ of the body, specifically the portion of the brain that controls the memory.

Although the brain recalls specific memories, the brain also operates automatically making subconscious associations without a person realizing it. People subconsciously without realising it associate money with a specific dollar amount. For instance, if someone makes ten dollars per hour at work, they will then associate the ten dollar bill with an hour of time. This can cause players to be hesitant when they risk their money directly at on a casino. By using casino chips this removes connection to subconscious associations, and the monetary amount that was associated with he money is skewed. This concept is essential for both the live casinos and the online gambling sites. People don’t exchange chips in their daily lives, therefore, there is no established value associated with them. Although the chips are bought with real money, they are in fact nothing more than clay or other synthetic materials, just as money notes are nothing more than paper. Both the casino chips and paper money are just symbols of worth. The difference is that people use paper regularly and therefore understand their worth, whereas, chips are quite foreign to us. This means that players who have chips tend to be more reckless or generous gambling.

Online gambling sites make use of a type of foreign currency. This is usually in the form of online symbols, that might be computerized chips. One again the familiarity of money is removed once it has been converted into chips, and the chips are therefore not valued as much as real money. Which means that players will have a sense of careless when they gamble online. Players become more risky when placing bets and odds with hopes of winning.

Players on the whole don't mind placing bigger bets and risking the slimmer odds with the hope of winning big. Although this might loosen the grip players have on their wallets, it, however, does successfully make the gambling environment much more exciting and fun. A higher risk translates to a larger adrenaline rush, as most layers feel is the best part of gambling at any online gambling site.

Having established the reasoning behind casino currency, its important to keep a level head, and accept that this is how it is. An being award of the reasoning behind casino currency should give you the advantage by understanding both chips and online gambling symbols an how they translate to real money, this is your advantage to trat it as such.

It is always wise to remember to gambling is a responsibility and not to bet more than you are willing to lose.