The Netherlands Has Passed Online Gambling Legislation

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The lower house of the Dutch parliament passed an historic bill for the regulation of online gaming in the country.

This historic bill passed last month, July, the vote paved the way for a fully regulated online gambling market operational for the first time in the Netherlands. This bill is expected to receive the rubber stamp by the Dutch Senate later in the year and the regulation could begin operation early 2017.

One of the agreed amendments to this bill is a move that prohibits lotteries and the land-based operators using their existing player databases for the promotion of their online offerings.

The co-founder, Jaspar Hoekert, of Revenue Engineers, which is a full-service gaming consultancy that is based in the Netherlands, said that the amendment was a major boon for any new entrants in the Netherlands' online market.

A further victory for this online sector, is that the land-based operators will be mandatory that they erect physical entry as well as player identification barriers, They also need to contribute to the problem gambling fund.

Online Gaming companies who wish to move to the Netherlands will welcome the more. The bill has ended years of uncertainty, improvement of players protection, and will pave the way to more innovation in the market.

Mr. Hoekert, commented that they were delighted to see this Remote Gaming Bill pass through parliament. He continued that there were still some aspects of the legislation that were not ideal, but, the situation now was a workable framework and that he was confident that the Netherlands would quickly emerge as a important gaming jurisdiction in Europe.

Revenue Engineers are the only gaming company hat has specialised in the Netherlands. They offer a full service solution that covers consultancy, product, data, brand and acquisition.

Their dedicated team of 16 gaming experts are based within Amsterdam and they have worked with a number of the local and global clients throughout this regulation process.

They have already begun the execution of joint ventures with many local and international partners within the Netherlands.