Lawmakers in Wisconsin Plan Fantasy Gaming Regulations

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A Wisconsin state lawmaker has plans for a proposal for regulations of fantasy gaming in the state of Wisconsin,this includes fantasy sports sites.

Rep. Tyler Vorpagel, of R-Plymouth, said that he is wants to a do a proposal similar to one that he sponsored the previous year which did not pass.

Understanding Fantasy Gaming

Many people don’t understand Fantasy gaming, that it is a type of online gaming where individuals build virtual sports teams that are made up of professional players. Individuals are able to wager money on the success of their team.

Under Rep’s Vorpagel's plan, the gaming sites would have to face a series of regulatory requirements to be able to operate in Wisconsin. The bill would also be prohibitin g gaming for individuals that are less than 18 years old.

Two anti-gambling advocacy groups are currently sounding the alarm regarding the proposal, they are calling it a tactic being used to legalize online gaming in Wisconsin.

spokeswoman for Citizens Against Expanded Gambling, Lorri Pickens, said if the bill is passed, it will represent the largest expansion of the gambling in the state’s history,

She continued that players are literally opening up an internet gambling outlet in all houses, and dorm rooms as well as every smart phone in Wisconsin.

The Citizens Against Expanded Gambling are hosting a series community events around the state in order to spread the word about the bill.

Rep. Vorpagel said that people were already using the online gaming sites, therefore there should be protections in place.

He continued that he thought it was very clear that people are able to play now, and that it was common sense to have protections for the people who enjoy playing.